Of the world’s total species of wild cats, over 80% are small wild cats. They can be found in Africa, Asia, North America, South America, Central America and Europe. Most small wild cats are the size of a domesticated cat. Some are a little bigger.

You can find small wild cats in a variety of habitats, from deserts, to grasslands, hills and mountains.

Like big cats, small wild cats face many conservation threats, including habitat loss, poaching and loss of prey.

For more information about each of the small wild cats listed below, click on the cat’s name.


Small Wild Cats List


small wild cat lisit african golden catAfrican Golden Cat – Caracal aurata
Very little research has been conducted on the African golden cat, a wild cat found in the forests of Africa. Two subspecies are recognized – Caracal aurata aurata (Congo River) and Caracal aurata celidogaster (Cross River). The cat’s primary prey are rodents and squirrels. Conservation Status: Vulnerable. 


African wild cat - small wild cat listAfrican Wildcat  – Felis lybica
Can be found in Africa, Asia, India and China. There are three subspecies – F. l. lybica, F. l. cafra and F. l. ornata.  It has slightly different markings than the European wildcat. Conservation Status: Least Concerned.


small wild cats list - andean mountain cat Andean Mountain CatLeopardus jacobita
The Andean cat, with its thick, plush fur, inhabits Chile, northern Argentina, Bolivia and the Peruvian Andes. Conservation Status: Endangered.



small wild cats list - asiatic golden catAsian Golden CatCatopuma temminckii
A nocturnal cat found in China, Nepal, parts of India, Sumatra, Malaysia, Thailand and southeast Asia. There are two recognized subspecies – C. t. temminckii (Sumatra and Malay Peninsula) and C. t. moormensis (Nepal to Southeast Asia. Conservation Status: Near Threatened.


small wild cats list - borneo bay catBay Cat | Bornean Bay CatCatopuma badia
The bay cat is the size of a large domestic cat and only found on the island of Borneo. Conservation Status: Endangered.



small wild cats list - blackfooted catBlack-footed CatFelis nigripes
One of the smallest wild cats, the black-footed cat Inhabits the African countries of South Africa, Botswana and Nambia. Conservation Status: Vulnerable.



small wild cats list - bobcatBobcatLynx rufus
The bobcat can be found in North America, from Canada to the northern part of Mexico. They live in diverse habitats, including forests, swamps and deserts. There are two subspecies – L. r. rufus and L. r. fasciatus. Conservation Status: Least Concern.



small wild cats list - canada lynxCanada LynxLynx canadensis
Inhabiting Canada, parts of the United States, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, primarily in forests and wooded areas. Conservation Status: Least Concern



small wild cats list - caracalCaracalCaracal caracal
Primarily inhabits dry regions; found throughout Africa, as well as India and Asia. Considered a desert animal.  Conservation Status: Least Concern.



Chinese mountain catChinese Mountain CatFelis bieti
An Asiatic wildcat found only in China. Recognized as a valid species in 2017.   Conservation Status:  Vulnerable.



small wild cats list - eurasian lynxEurasian LynxLynx lynx
The Eurasian lynx can be found in Europe, Russia, central Asia and Tibet.  It is the largest cat of its species.  Conservation Status: Least Concern.



european wild cat - small wild cat

European WildcatFelis Silvestris 
Brown to grey fur with stripes. Lives primarily in forests. Two subspeices – F. s. silvestris (Europe, Sicily and Scotland) and F. s. caucasica (Turkey and the region between the Black Sea and Caspian Sea). Conservation Status: Least Concern.

scottish wild cat small wild cat


Scottish Wildcat  – F. s. silvestris. Scotland’s European wildcat population. The Scottish wildcat is Critically Endangered.


small wild cats list - fishing catFishing CatPrionailurus viverrinus
Can be found in various locations in South East Asia, including Java, Sumatra, Peninuslar Malaysia, India and Sri Lanka. Conservation Status: Vulnerable.



small wild cats list - flat headed catFlat-headed CatPrionailurus planiceps
Only found in Sumatra, Peninsular Malaysia and the Islands of Borneo. Like the Cheetah, their claws do not fully retract. Conservation Status: Endangered.



small wild cat list - geoffreys catGeoffroy’s Cat Leopardus geoffroyi
Primarily located in Argentina, some subspecies can be found in Paraguay, as well as Bolivia and Brazil. Conservation Status: Least Concern.



small wild cat iberian lynxIberian LynxLynx pardinus
Inhabits the Iberian Peninsula in southwest Spain, considered by many the most endangered wild cat species in the world.  Conservation Status: Critically Endangered.



small wild cat list - jaguarundiJaguarundiHerpailurus yagouaroundi                                       Found in South America, and occasionally in Central America and Mexico. Mostly a lowland cat with a broad range. Conservation Status: Least Concern.



small wild cat list - jungle catJungle CatFelis chaus
A small wild cat that lives in various Middle Eastern and Asian countries areas near water, including Egypt, Sir Lanka, Thailand, Indochina and Vietnam. Three subspecies – F. c. chaus, F. c. affinish Gray and F. c. fulvidina Thomas. Conservation Status: Least Concern.


small wild cats - kodkodKodkod | GuinaLeopardus guigna
Primarily inhabits the central and southern regions of Chile in forests. One of the two smallest wild cats in the world.  Two subspecies – Leopardus guigna guigna and Leopardus guigna tigrillo. Conservation Status: Vulnerable.



small wild cat list - leopard catLeopard Cat – Mainland – Prionailurus bengalensis  
Inhabits Pakistan, Asia, China and Russia. Subspecies: P. b. benglensis, P. b. euptilura Conservation Status: Least Concern,and P. b. iriomotensis (Iriomote cat). Conservation Status: Critically Endangered. 


Sunda leopard cat small wild cat Leopard Cat – Sunda – Prionailurus javanensis
Inhabits Bali, Borneo, Sumatra, Java and other nearby regions.




the marbled cat small wild cat listMarbled CatPardofelis marmorata
Lives in various countries throughout Asia, including Sumatra, Borneo and Malaysia. They dwell primarily in forests. Two subspecies – P. m. Marmorata and P. m. longicaudata. Conservation Status:  Vulnerable.



small wild cat margayMargayLeopardus wiedii
A tree dwelling cat that lives in forests from Mexico to Argentina. Deforestation has eliminated most margay habitats. Three subspecies – L. w. wiedii, L. w. vigens and L. w. glauculus. Conservation Status: Near Threatened.



small wild cats list - ocelotOcelotLeopardus pardalis
The ocelot can be found in Latin America, including Mexico, Central America and South America, in areas with dense covers, such as forests. Two subspecies – L. p. pardalis and L. p. mitis.   Conservation Status: Least Concern.



small wild cats list - oncillaOncilla Leopardus tigrinus
Found in North, Central and South America. A rare cat known by several names that has been vigorously hunted for its fur with several subspecies. One subspecies, Leopardus tigrinus guttulus is now recognized as a separate species – Leopardus guttulusConservation Status:  Vulnerable.



small wild cat pallas catPallas’s CatOtocolobus manul
Inhabits Central Asia, as well as Siberia, Tibet and Iran.  Named after Peter Pallas, a German naturalist. There are two recognized subspecies: O. m. manul (western and northern parts of Central Asia) and O. m. nigripectus (Himilayas). Conservation Status: Threatened.



pampas cat small wild cat listPampas CatLeopardus colocola
Lives in South America’s Andes mountains in areas ranging from grasslands to swamps and forests. Several subspecies are currently recognized –  L. c. colocola, L. c. pajeros, L. c. braccatus, L. c. garleppi, L. c. budini, L. c. munoai and L. c. wolffsohni. Their coat colors vary widely depending on where they live.  Conservation Status: Near Threatened.



small wild cat rusty spotted catRusty-spotted CatPrionailurus rubiginosus
A small wild cat found in various areas throughout India, including forests, grasslands and scrub lands.  Conservation Status: Vulnerable.



small wild cats list - sand catSand CatFelis margarita
A desert cat that inhabits Arabia, the Sahara, Morocco, Mauritania, Egypt and the Sudan. They are known for their snake hunting abilities. There are two recognized subspecies: Felis margarita margarita (North Africa) and Felis margarita thinobia (West and Central Africa). Conservation Status:  Near Threatened.



small wild cats list - servalServalLeptailurus serval
An African cat that can be found in savannahs. Their names comes from the Portuguese word for “wolf-deer.” There are three recognized subspecies as of 2017: Leptailurus serval serval (South Africa), Leptailurus serval constantina (Central and West Africa) and Leptailurus serval lipostictus (East Africa). Conservation Status: Least Concern.