The wild cats list is a worldwide list of all big cats and small wild cats including the continents of North America, Central America, South America, Europe, Asia and Africa.
The smallest wild cats in the world are the rusty-spotted cat and the black-footed cat. The largest wild cats are tigers and lions, followed by the cougar, leopard, snow leopard and Eurasian lynx.
Note: The term “big cats” generally refers to lions, tigers, leopards and jaguars – the four wild cats that roar. There is also a broader, more common definition of big cats that includes cheetahs, snow leopards and mountain lions (cougars). The top 10 wild cats by size are tiger, lion, jaguar, cougar, leopard, cheetah, snow leopard, Eurasian lynx, clouded leopard and caracal.
The Wild Cats List
The Largest Cats

Panthera tigris
The biggest wild cat. Can be found in Asia and the Sunda Islands.
Tiger Subspecies;
- Panthera tigris tigris – includes the Bengal tiger, Siberian (Amur) tiger, South China tiger, Indochinese tiger, Malayan tiger
- Panthera tigris sondaica – Sumatran tiger

Panthera leo
The second largest wild cat. Inhabits various regions in Africa, with a small population in India.
Lion subspecies:
- Panthera leo leo – liona in West Africa and northern parts of Central Africa, as well as the Asiatic lion.
- Panthera leo melanochaita – lions in Southern Africa and East Africa.

Acinonyx jubalus
Found in eastern and southern Africa, and some parts of Iran.
Cheetah subspecies:
- Asiatic cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus venaticus) – the only remaining Asian cheetah population.
- Northwest African cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus hecki)
- Southeast African cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus jubatus)
- Northeast African cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus soemmeringii)

Panthera onca
Inhabits South and Central America. Occasionaly seen in the United States.
No subspecies.

Puma concolor
Can be found in South, Central and North America.
Cougar subspecies:
- North American cougar (P. concolor couguar)
- Northern South American cougar (P. concolor concolor)

Panthera pardus
Inhabits India, Asia, the Middle East, Malay Peninsula and Africa.
Leopard Subspecies
- Indian leopard (Panthera p. fusca)
- African leopard (Panthera p. pardus)
- Javan leopard (Panthera p. melas)
- Arabian leopard (Panthera. p. nimr)
- Anatolian leopard (Panthera p. tulliana)
- Sri Lankan leopard (Panthera. p. kotiya)
- Indochinese leopard (Panthera. p. delacouri)
- Amur Leopard (Panthera p. orientalis)

Snow Leopard
Panthera uncia
Found in southern and central Asia.
Proposed subspecies as of 2017:
- Panthera uncia uncia (Pamir Mountains)
- Panther uncia irbis (Mongolia)
- Panther uncia uncioides (Himalayas and Northwestern China)
Medium-sized and Small Wild Cats

African Golden Cat
Caracal aurata
A small wild cat found in African forests.
Caracal subspecies:
- Caracal aurata aurata (Congo River)
- Caracla aurata celidogaster (Cross River)

African Wildcat
Felis lybica
A small wild cat that inhabits Africa, India, Asia and China.
African wildcat subspecies:
- Felis lybica lybica
- Felis lybica cafra
- Felis lybica ornata

Andean Mountain Cat
Leopardus jacobita
A small wild cat found in the Andean mountains in Argentina, Chile, and Bolivia.
No subspecies.

Asiatic Golden Cat
Catopuma temmincki
A small wild cat from China, Nepal, Sumatra, Malaysia, Thailand and India.
- Catopuma Temminckii temminckii (Sumatra and Malay Peninsula)
- Catopuma Temminckii moormensis (from Nepal to Southeast Asia)

Black-footed Cat
Felis nigripes
A small wild cat that lives in South Africa, Nambia and Botswana.
No subspecies.

Lynx rufus
A medium-sized wild cat that can be found from Canada to Mexico.
Bobcat Subspecies:
- Lynx rufus rufus
- Lynx rufus fasciatus

Borneo Bay Cat
Catopuma badia
The Bay cat is native to the Island of Borneo.
No subspecies.

Canada Lynx
Lynx canadensis
A medium-sized wild cat found in Canada and the northern United States.
No subspecies.

Caracal caracal
A medium-sized wild cat found in Africa, Central Asia, the Middle East, Pakistan and India.
- Southern caracal (Caracal caracal caracal)
- Northern caracal (Caracal caracal nubicus)
- Asiatic caracal (Caracal caracal schmitzi)

No subspecies.

Sunda Clouded Leopard
Neofelis diardi
Found in Sumatra and Borneo.
Sunda clouded leopard subspecies:
- Neofelis diardi diardi (Sumatran clouded leopard)
- Neofelis diardi borneensis (Bornean clouded leopard)

Eurasian Lynx
Lynx lynx
Can be found in Europe and Asia.
Proposed subspecies:
- L. l. lynx (Northern lynx)
- L. I. Turkestan
- L. l Caucasian lynx
- L. l Siberian lynx
- L. l. balcanicus (Balkan lynx)
- L. l carpathicus (Carpathian lynx)

European wildcat
Felis silvestris
A wild cat native to Europe, Turkey, Scotland and the region between the Black Sea and Caspian Sea.
European Wildcat Subspecies:
- Felis silvestris silvestris (Europe, Sciilty and Scotland)
- Felis silvestris caucasica (Turkey and the Caucasus)

Flat-headed cat
Prionailurus planiceps
A small wild cat from Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra and Borneo.
No subspecies.

Geoffroy’s Cat
Leopardus geoffroyi
A small wild cat that inhabits southern and central South America.
No subspecies.

Iberian Lynx
Lynx pardinus
A medium-sized wild cat that inhabits the Iberian peninsula.
No subspecies.

Herpailurus yagouaroundi
A medium-sized wild cat that can be found throughout Mexico, Central and South America.
No subspecies.

Jungle Cat
Felis Chaus
A medium-sized wild cat foun in the Middle Ast, Caucasus, Asia and China.
Jungle cat subspecies as of 2017:
- Felis chaus chaus
- Felis chaus affinis
- Felis chaus fulvidina

Kodkod | Guina
Leopardus guigna
A small wild cat that inhabits Chile and Argentina.
Kodkod subspecies:
- Leopardus guigna guigna (Chile and Argentina)
- Leopardus guigna tigrillo (Chile)

Leopard Cat – Mainland
Prionailurus bengalensis
A small wild cat found in Asia.
Leopard cat subspecies:
- Prionailurus bengalensis bangalensis
- Prionailurus bengalensis euptilura

Leopard Cat – Sunda Leopard Cat
Prionailurus javanensis
A small wild cat found in on the islands of Java, Boreno, Sumatra, Bail and the Philippines.
Sunda leopard cat subspecies:
- Prionailurus javanensis javanensis
- Prionailurus javanensis sumatranus

Marbled Cat
Pardofelis marmorata
A smal wild cat that inhabits the eastern Himalayas all the way to Southeast Asia.
Marbled cat subspecies:
- Pardofelis marmorata charltoni
- Pardofelis marmorata marmorata

Leopardus wiedii
A small wild cat that can be found in Central and South America.
Margay subspecies:
- Leopardus wiedii wiedii
- Leopardus wiedii vigens
- Leopardus wiedii glauculus

Leopardus pardalis
A medium-sized wild cat that inhabits North, Cental and South America, Trinidad and Margarita.
Ocelot subspecies:
- Leopardus pardalis mitis
- Leopardus pardalis pardalis

Oncilla – Northern Tiger Cat
Leopardus tigrinus
A small wild cat found in various regions from Central America to Brazil.
No subspecies.

Oncilla – Southern Tiger Cat
Leopardus guttulus
A smaill wild cat found in Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay.
No subspecies.

Pallas’s Cat
Otocolobus manul
A small wild cat that can be found in Central Asia.
Pallas’s cat subspecies:
- Otocolobus manul manul
- Otocolobus manul nigripectus

Pampas Cat
Leopardus colocola
A small wild cat that inhabits South America.
Recognized Pampas cat subspecies as of 2017:
- Leopardus colocola colocola
- Leopardus colocola pajeros
- Leopardus colocola braccatus
- Leopardus colocola garleppi
- Leopardus colocola budini
- Leopardus colocola munoai
- Leopardus colocola wolffsohni
Proposed subspecies as of 2022:
- Leopardus colocola colocola
- Leopardus colocola braccatus
- Leopardus colocola garleppi
- Leopardus colocola munoai (fasciatus)
- Leopardus colocola pajeros

Rusty-spotted Cat
Prionailurus rubiginosus
A small wild cat found in Sri-Landa, India and Nepal.
No subspecies.

Sand Cat
Felis margarita
A small wild cat found in northern Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia.
Sand cat subspecies:
- Felis margarita margarita (Saharan sand cat)
- Felis margarita thinobia (Turkestan sand cat, Arabian sand cat and Pakistan sand cat)

Leptailurus serval
A medium-sized wild cat that inhabits Africa.
Serval subspecies as of 2017:
- Leptailurus serva serval (southern Africa)
- Leptailurus serval constantina (West and Central Africa)
- Leptailurus serval lipostictus (East Africa)
There should definitely be pictures of the small wild cats.
(comment yasss or just yes your choice😊 if you agree)
Need more cats
I hope that you can help me
At school my granddaughter is currently (she is 8) working on wild cats.
I have volunteered to make her a book of photographs and information on cats through the alphabet.
There are two that I have not been able to find (hours on Google) V & X
I was wondering if someone can help on a name (or Latin) for an obscure feline or subspecies.
I think I will have to give up on the X but I’ve bent the rules a bit and will use Xausted and shown a lion sleeping in a very tired out position.
I am surprised that I can’t find one starting with a V, the only one that I’ve found is a Hybrid – The Viverral but hopefully you will be able to help.
I know that this is of little importance but I would appreciate your help in finishing the story.
My regards
9/16 he had huge paws very large cat
saw large wildcat head looked like bobcat but the body was 3+ ft long and bobcat tail looked like a leapord body markings,las cruces nm write below organ mountains
I didnt realize there were sooooooo many different types and spieces of wild cats their are!!!
Northeast ,Al. I have saw a large cat in the wild the size of a cougar. But it had white tips on ears. And tail like a leopard.? It has been eating watermelons out of Field. And seen in Pasteur. In Calhoun co. Wellington. Pleasant valley. Aera. James George land. 7-8-15..
Hi Bob,
Our purpose is to raise awareness and create a channel from interest in wild cats and wild cat conservation to action.
what does your organization do to help these animals?