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Anatolian | Persian Leopard

the Persian leopard

The Anatolian (Persian) leopard is an endangered wild cat that inhabits the Iranian Plateau. It is typically found in forests, mountain meadows or ravines.

Scientific name: Panthera pardus tulliana

Conservation status: Endangered

The Anatolian (Asia Minor) leopard inhabits the Iranian Plateau in Central, South and West Asia, usually in forested areas,  meadows on the slopes of mountains below the timber line and small narrow valleys with steep sides. 

The fur of the leopard ranges from somewhat grey to a reddish color with rosettes (markings that look like roses).  The Persian leopard has an average body length of 62 inches with a 3 foot long tail, and can weigh up to 130 lbs. 

Adult males will often share their habitat with adult females. The leopards prey on wild boar, got, deer, gabelle, porcupine, hare and sometimes livestock. 

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