World News August 2023

big cat world news august 2023

Big cat and small wild cat news from around the world…

 Why you shouldn’t declaw tigers or other big cats – A new study about the impact of declawing big cats. “In a new study, researchers looked at the effects of declawing on larger cat species and found that declawing disproportionately impacts their muscular capabilities as compared to their smaller brethren.” According to the study, tiger and lion cubs are often declawed to make them easier to handle in photos for entertainment. Source: Science Daily – July 31, 2023

Endangered Elegance: The Vulnerable World of Clouded Leopard and Their Fight for Survival – Clouded leopard conservation efforts in Southeast Asia. A look at deforestation and other threats to the clouded leopard. “Clouded leopards are highly dependent on their forest habitats, which are rapidly disappearing due to deforestation and human encroachment. As pristine forests are converted into agricultural lands and urban developments, the leopard’s territory shrinks, leading to fragmented populations and reduced gene flow.” Source: – August 2, 2023

Bangladesh ‘major hub’ for tiger poaching – A new study claims that tiger poaching is still taking place in Bangladesh despite significant efforts to stop the poaching and trade. “Bangladesh remains a major hub for the poaching of endangered tigers despite government claims of a successful crackdown on pirate groups involved in the trade, according to research” Source – July 29, 2023

Snow leopard documentary raises conservation awareness – A new documentary from wildlife photographer Xi Zhinong and cinematographer KeXuanhui. The filmmakers worked in remote, high altitude areas.  “This is the first snow leopard film shot entirely by Chinese cinematographers, making it an important addition to the diversity of Chinese cinema. As we tread the path of building an ecological civilization in our country, I hope this film can sow a seed of nature conservation in the hearts of the audience.” – August 3, 2023

Big cats among victims as snare trapping spreads in Western Cape “The cruel and illegal practice of setting snares to hunt wild animals has escalated over the past decade and has become a serious and widespread problem in the Western Cape.” – August 3, 2023

Russia and China Plan Cross-Boarder Protected Zone for Tigers and Leopards “Russian authorities have approved a draft agreement with China to establish an international protected area for rare tigers and leopards..  The proposed Russian-Chinese nature reserve — called Land of Big Cats — will encompass habitats in the southwest of Russia’s Primorye region and the mountainous region of northeastern China.” – August 3, 2023

Argentine Court Declares Cougar a “Subject of Rights” – An Argentine court gives cougars rights to freedom. “Building on the landmark case of Sandra the orangutan, an Argentine court has declared a cougar to be a “subject of rights,” providing for her “total freedom” while — in a move noted by some to be contradictory — also granting custody of her to the Buenos Aires Eco-park. In reaching its decision, the court highlighted the special legal status of animals, observing that animals can be classified as “victims” under the law. This is the latest ruling in Latin America to formally recognize an individual animal as a subject of rights, and is part of a global trend toward recognition of animals as legal subjects.”  Animal Legal Defense Fund – August 3, 2023

The silent trade of elusive small cats in Mizoram – A new paper focuses on illegal trade in Asiatic golden cats and other small felids. “since the trade in body parts of big cats such as tigers, leopards and snow leopards has become more challenging due to increased international regulatory policies, the pressure on other, smaller felid species has increased. Clouded leopards (Neofelis nebulosa and N. diardi), Asiatic golden cats (Catopuma temminckii) and marbled cats (Pardofelis marmorata) are among those species being substituted for their larger kin, as trade in their parts has increased across Myanmar, India, China, Malaysia and Thailand.” Mongabay – August 3, 2023

From Thailand to Bhutan wild tiger populations have grown – Some nations have increased their tiger populations.  “…in several nations the populations of the iconic predators have stabilized or even grown over the past decade…”  Sustainability Times  – August 3, 2023

Most Kuno vets inexperienced: Foreign experts to Supreme Court on cheetah deaths – South African cheetah experts have sent letters to India’s Supreme Court regarding the management of cheetahs at the Kuno National Park. Nine cheetahs have died following their transfer from Nambia last year. Source: India Today – August 3, 2023

August 4th – International Clouded Leopard Day: The fight to protect an elusive species – August 4th is International Clouded Leopard Day. The purpose of the annual observance is to raise awareness about clouded leopards and conservation threats.

August 8th – Scottish Wild Cat Day – An annual even to draw attention to the only surviving wild cat in the United Kingdom.  Source:

Leopard cats dwindle in Taiwan despite rise in other mammals in the wild – Leopard cats in Taiwan are still struggling to survive. Source:  Taiwan News August 8, 2023

August 10th – World Lion Day – The day is celebrated to honor the role these majestic big cats have played in our culture and to focus attention on lion conservation issues and dwindling lion populations.  Source: English News – August 10, 2023

Lion farming in South Africa – Fresh evidence adds weight to fears of link with illegal bone trade  – An estimated 8,000 lion are bred and kept in captivity for commercial purposes in more than 350 facilities. The cats are used for petting tourism, canned hunting and body parts. Source: – August 11, 2023

Our efforts can save the fishing cat from extinction“As an apex predator, the enigmatic feline that is the fishing cat plays a crucial role in regulating prey populations. Its extinction would have cascading effects on the ecological balance of a delicate ecosystem.” The Daily Star – August 17, 2023

What can we learn from Jaguar poop? A lot.Scientists study jaguar scat (poop) to learn about the animal’s health, hormones, stress and other body processes. It has become an effective way of researching these big cats without capturing them.  The article focuses on the conservation of Jaguars in Belize. Source: The Revelator – August 28, 2023

Asiatic lions population rising, new sanctuary proposed in Saurashtra  – A new wildlife sanctuary is being proposed to help protect an expanding population of Asiatic lions in Saurashtra, a peninsular region of Gujarat, India, located on the Arabian Sea coast. Source: The Indian Express – August 28, 2023

India sees record 128 tiger deaths in 2023, highest in decade – A record number of tigers have died in India this year. It is believed more that 65 tigers died from poaching, accidents and human-animal conflict outside of protected areas, and approximately the same number were killed inside due to old age and territorial fights, as well as poaching. India’s tiger population has increased from 2,967 in 2018 to 3,682 in 2022. Source: Daily Pioneer – August 29, 2023

Arizona State University Ecologist Champions Jaguar Conservation in Costa Rica  – ASU wildlife ecologist Jan Schipper has been involved in Costa Rican Jaguar conservation for over 20 years. According to Schipper, Jaguars help maintain a balanced ecosystem. Source: Costa Rican Times

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