The Daily Mail’s recent story of the Asiatic lion includes stunning photos by wildlife photographer Uri Golman. Read the full story and see all of the images for “An Intimate and Stunning Photo Portrait of the Last Remaining Asiatic Lions…”...
“…I record wildlife on video. Not as work but as an obligation.” Jyrki Hookanen Amazing small wild cat videos by Jyrki Hookanen…”Catching Borneo’s Mysterious Wild Cats on Film.”
Wild cat sanctuaries often struggle with funding. In the article “Raising Large Sums for an Animal Sanctuary” from The Chronicle of Philanthropy, Jean Herrberg from the Exotic Feline Rescue Center in Indiana talks about how she acquired property for her...
An article from National Geographic on the importance of lion and tiger corridors in India. “Every day, little by little, our species is creating new islands. These are not islands in the sea. They are patches of forest, grassland, mountainside, and swamp that...
The Asiatic lion is an endangered lion subspecies that inhabits Gujarat (The Land of the Legends), a state in India. There are currently less than 500 Asiatic lions in existence. Only 13 Asiatic lions were in existence in 1907, when an Indian prince banned hunting...