Panthera’s CEO and wild cat expert, Dr. Alan Rabinowitz, led a session on ‘The Future of Big Cats’ at the 2012 Fortune Brainstorm GREEN conference on April 17th in Laguna Niguel, California. This conference, which ran April 16th-18th, is known as the premier green business event of the year, carried out by Fortune in partnership with Conservation International, The Nature Conservancy, NRDC, and the Environmental Defense Fund. The Brainstorm GREEN community is a diverse cross-section of Fortune 500 CEOs, leaders from the environmental movement, senior government officials, and provocative thinkers. Learn more about Dr. Rabinowitz @ Learn more about the conservation models utilized now by Panthera to save big cats @

‘The Future of Big Cats’ Lecture by Dr. Alan Rabinowitz, at the Fortune Brainstorm Green Conference
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