Panthera’s Jaguar Corridor Coordinator for Panthera’s Northern South America Program, Dr. Esteban Payán Garrido, presented at the TEDx conference in Panama City, Panama on October 5th, 2011. Dr. Payán’s lecture, entitled “Un jaguar por tu vida” or “A Jaguar for Your Life,” focused on the concept of Panthera’s Jaguar Corridor Initiative. Dr. Payán discusses the program’s aim to link core jaguar populations within human landscapes from northern Argentina to Mexico, preserving the genetic integrity of jaguars can live in the wild forever. Learn more about Dr. Esteban Payán Garrido Learn more about Panthera’s Jaguar Corridor Initiative

TEDx Lecture by Panthera’s Jaguar Corridor Coordinator, Dr. Esteban Payán Garrido
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