
The Blog

Do Pumpkins Feel Pain?

Halloween Pumpkin Massacre at Big Cat Rescue in Tampa FL. Watch our tigers, lions, leopards and other big cats play with and destroy their annual halloween treat! Every year we hand out over 100 pumpkins and gourds to the cats at the sanctuary and they just love to...

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Lions & Tigers Playing Soccer

Lions & Tigers playing soccer!? .... Luke Mulholland of the Tampa Bat Rowdies visited Big Cat Rescue along with the NASL Soccer Bowl Trophy! The big cats enjoyed watching Luke show off his skills so we decided to hand out a few piñata soccer balls to the tigers to...

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Tiger Roar

Tiger charges and roars at the cameraman, another example why these WILD cats do not belong in backyards, they will ALWAYS be dangerous and unpredictable. WEBSITE: FACEBOOK GOOGLE+: TWITTER: DONATE:...

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Do Tigers Like MARMITE?

Marmite you either love it or you hate it.... But what about tigers, lions and leopards? Big Cat Rescue decided to find out and we got some funny reactions! Find out more about Marmite here: WEBSITE FACEBOOK

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Rewilding Success – June 2012

Overview of CCF's release of the "Leopard Boys" into Erindi Private Game Reserve. For more information about CCF's rewilding process, visit our website at

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Helping Farmers, Helping Cheetahs

An overview of the programs operated by CCF that provide education and resources to farmers, which ultimately improve their livelihoods and provide them with an alternative to killing cheetahs. For more information about these programs, visit our website at...

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New kids at CCF New dairy goat kids born during the end of July / beginning of August 2012. As is consistent with best dairy goat farming practice, these kids had just been de-horned a few hours prior to the recording of this video.

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