Big cats cough up BIG cat hairballs just like their domestic cousins! Joseph our male lion recently produced a specimen so we thought we'd show our viewers! *WARNING* You may not want to watch this video if you're squeamish 🙂 WEBSITE: FACEBOOK...
Run with the Wind: Chewbaaka
In April 2011, the Cheetah Conservation Fund said goodbye to its beloved 15 year-old educational ambassador, Chewaaka. Please join us in honouring his memory by watching this tribute to an extraordinary cheetah.
2011-11 Trust in the Future
Christian, Kizmet, Marcus, and Max come to Carolina Tiger Rescue.
Stadium Toyota Party for Toyota’s 100 Cars for Good
Big Cat Rescue won a Toyota Tundra in Toyota's 100 Cars for Good contest on YouTube. See the party that took place at Stadium Toyota on Nov 2 WEBSITE: FACEBOOK GOOGLE+: TWITTER: DONATE:...
2011 CCF Annual Gala in Windhoek, Namibia
Slide show. This year's theme, Run with the Wind, was in memory of CCF's ambassador cheetah, Chewbaaka, who died in April at age 15, and highlighted CCF's long-term efforts to ensure the survival of the wild cheetah. Israel "Kazembire" Zemburuka, host of NBC's Good...
Female Jaguar Walking in the Brazilian Pantanal
© Josh Brannon This video clip shows a beautiful female jaguar walking in the Brazilian Pantanal, where Panthera is carrying out the Pantanal Jaguar Project to protect the region's jaguars. Panthera's field staff are working on the ground in the Pantanal with local...
Female Jaguar Grooming Herself in the Brazilian Pantanal
© Josh Brannon This video clip shows a beautiful jaguar grooming herself on a riverbank in the Brazilian Pantanal -- a region in western Brazil, on the border with Bolivia and Paraguay, that is home to the world's largest wetland and the highest density of jaguars....
Female Jaguar in the Brazilian Pantanal
© Josh Brannon This video shows a female jaguar drinking from a river in the Brazilian Pantanal -- a region in western Brazil, on the border with Bolivia and Paraguay, that is home to the world's largest wetland and the highest density of jaguars. Panthera's field...
Giant Otters Playing in the Brazilian Pantanal
© Josh Brannon This clip shows several giant otters, including a baby otter, swimming, playing, and eating in a river in the Brazilian Pantanal. Giant otters live in highly cohesive family groups, and baby giant otters can swim at just 6 weeks of age. Today, Panthera...
Giant Otter Eating a Fish in the Brazilian Pantanal
© Josh Brannon This clip shows a giant otter eating a fish in the Brazilian Pantanal, while another giant otter looks on, making quite a racket! Giant otters generally eat small prey like fish in the water, while larger prey is generally taken to a riverbank or to a...