www.snowleopard.org http The second of two videos, the Snow Leopard Trust has filmed a wild snow leopard in its natural habitat with a research camera! These cameras were set in India and are designed to take 60 seconds of footage whenever motion is detected. We were...
The Blog
Wild Strides, Scrapes, and Sprays
www.snowleopard.org http For the first time, the Snow Leopard Trust has filmed a wild snow leopard in its natural habitat with a research camera! These cameras were set in India and are designed to take 60 seconds of footage whenever motion is detected. We were...
Escaped Tigers!
It is estimated that there are 10000 to 20000 big cats currently held in private ownership in the US, although the exact number remains a mystery. Since 1990, US incidents involving captive big cats—including tigers, lions, cougars, leopards, jaguars, cheetahs and...
2012-05-26 Jericho and Nakobi arrival.mp4
A sneak peak at the arrival of Jericho (aka Montana) and Nakobi cougars to Karen's Keep quarantine at Carolina Tiger Rescue on May 26, 2012. Jericho and Nakobi came from a small sanctuary in Ohio. This facility was in financial trouble and realized that with the...
Goofy Leopards!
The leopards at Big Cat Rescue are definitely some of the funniest cats at the sanctuary! They're often "break dancing", playing with enrichment, stalking tour guests and just being goofy! But remember despite how cute and cuddly they may look sometimes, they are...
Remove a Snare. Save a Life. Tiger Cub
This video shows the harrowing rescue of a tiger from a poacher's snare in Sumatra, Indonesia. Panthera recently launched a 'Remove a Snare. Save a Life.' campaign to raise $50000 to protect tigers like this and other wild cats from the threat of deadly snares. Watch...
‘The Future of Big Cats’ Lecture by Dr. Alan Rabinowitz, at the Fortune Brainstorm Green Conference
Panthera's CEO and wild cat expert, Dr. Alan Rabinowitz, led a session on 'The Future of Big Cats' at the 2012 Fortune Brainstorm GREEN conference on April 17th in Laguna Niguel, California. This conference, which ran April 16th-18th, is known as the premier green...
African Golden Cat Bats a Camera Trap – Gabon
Wild cats and other wildlife are naturally intrigued when they pass through camera traps' infrared sensors and trigger flashes of light and clicking noises. Most of the time, they react by taking a closer look at the cameras, often sniffing, pawing or warily 'eyeing'...
A Snow Leopard Inspects (and Moves) a Camera Trap – Tajikistan
This video is a collection of camera trap images taken in the Zorkul region of Tajikistan's Pamir Mountains, where Panthera, lead by Snow Leopard Program Executive Director, Dr. Tom McCarthy, is carrying out a camera trap survey with Fauna and Flora International...
Jaguar Sitting on a Riverbank in the Brazilian Pantanal
This video clip shows a beautiful jaguar sitting on a riverbank in the Brazilian Pantanal -- a region in western Brazil, on the border with Bolivia and Paraguay, that is home to the world's largest wetland and the highest density of jaguars. Panthera's field staff are...