A sneak peak at the arrival of Jericho (aka Montana) and Nakobi cougars to Karen’s Keep quarantine at Carolina Tiger Rescue on May 26, 2012. Jericho and Nakobi came from a small sanctuary in Ohio. This facility was in financial trouble and realized that with the upcoming changes to laws governing owning the big cats that Jericho and Nakobi would need a more stable home. Updates on Jericho and Nakobi’s rescue are at carolinatigerrescue.org Carolina Tiger Rescue had a habitat for Jericho and Nakobi- but needs additional habitats to rescue lions and tigers that are waiting for homes. Join our 2012 Barn Raising campaign to build 2 more habitats and every dollar is matched! carolinatigerrescue.org

2012-05-26 Jericho and Nakobi arrival.mp4
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