Cheetahs are wild cats that once inhabited Asia, Africa, Europe and North America. Their history dates back over 10,000 years to the end of the last ice age. These sleek and agile cats are extremely fast. Here are 22 cheetah facts…

  1. The cheetah runs faster than any other land animal, reaching speeds of up to 75 mph.
  2. They are the only big cat that can turn in the air while sprinting.
  3. Cheetahs can accelerate from 0 to 62 mph in three seconds.
  4. They have a small, round head.
  5. The cheetah is one of four wild cats (the fishing cat, the flat-headed cat and the Iriomote cat) that have semi-retractable claws.
  6. Cheetahs have streaks that run from the corner theircheeta facts eyes to the sides of their nose.
  7. Cheetahs are a little taller than leopards
  8. Male cheetahs will sometimes form groups with other males (male coalitions).
  9. Cheetahs have fewer whiskers than other cats.
  10. The cheetah are related to the cougar and jaguarundi.
  11. Cheetahs will stalk, chase and then trip their prey.
  12. A female cheetah will move her cubs every few days to protect them from predators.
  13. Cheetahs purr like house cats.
  14. They can mate all year long.
  15. They use their long tail for balance and to steer when they run.
  16. The spots on a cheetah’s fur keep it from being seen by predators and prey.
  17. The female cheetah raises her cubs on her own.
  18. Cheetahs were once tamed and used to hunt antelopes.
  19. Cheetahs can go for up to three or four days without water.
  20. They have exceptional eyesight during the day, but don’t see as well at night.
  21. Every cheetah has a different pattern of spots on their fur.
  22. Cheetahs will hunt during the day to avoid competing for food with other animals.


22 Amazing Cheetah Facts — No Comments

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